The global community has responded to the current pandemic by fast-tracking numerous online resources and webinars. Below are some of the key resources that local government and city leaders may find particularly useful.
Online Resources
UN-Habitat: Report on Cities and Pandemics: towards a more just, green and healthy future.
UNCDF, UN-Habitat and Regional Commissions: Building Economic Resilience during and after Covid-19.
UCLG / UN-Habitat / Metropolis: Live Learning Experience – this series of webinars is a collaborative platform where local governments can share experiences and lessons.
The City of Barcelona has created a COVID-19 webpage to provide clear information on the crisis and various measures taken by the municipality.
UN-Habitat released some key messages on the COVID-19 situations
The Cities for Global Health Campaign is inviting local governments and partners to share their initiatives.
Online Training
Reducing COVID-19 Vulnerability Amongst Displaced Populations and Migrants. UNDRR. Register
How to communicate effectively with the public during COVID-19. ICLEI. Watch
If you have a resource of event you would like to share, please contact us.