Asunción has a total area of 12,751 hectares (127.51 km2), with an estimated population of 524,190 inhabitants as of 2017. This gives it an average population density of 4,111 people per km2. Between 1962 and 2002, its population increased by 100 %, and it is currently the only city in Paraguay with more than 500,000 inhabitants, almost 10 % of the national population.
The population of Asunción has not changed significantly since the 2002 census. The female population of 277,063 is higher than the male, which is 247,127. Age demographics reveal that more than half of the capital’s population belongs to the infant-juvenile group (less than 30 years of age). The city’s female life expectancy of 77.05 years is higher than that of males, which is only 71.21.
Paraguay and Asunción have a bilingual population. The majority of households speak: Spanish and Guaraní (56%), only Spanish 39%, only Guaraní 3% and other 2%. It is important to clarify that the city’s indigenous Guarani population (according to the census) is only 459 people. The population has preserved the Guaraní language as a part of its cultural identity.
Household information
The city is divided into 68 neighbourhoods. The average family size is 3.9 persons per household. Investigations into the types of household reveal that in multiperson households, 60% consider a man to be head of the household, while 40% are headed by a woman. 52% of single households are men and 48% are women.