UN-Habitat’s support to build urban resilience globally works along three complimentary streams.
Tools and Guidance
UN-Habitat works directly with local governments and their partners to provide training, tools and guidance. Local government staff are keen to learn new approaches to urban resilience and identify areas where their city may be vulnerable.
The fruit of our work with local governments is a set of Actions for Resilience tailored to their urban context. The City Resilience Profiling Tool (CRPT) is UN-Habitat’s most extensive tool and follows a people-centred and holistic approach to analyze the entire city from a resilience perspective.
Through our experiences with cities, UN-Habitat’s knowledge Hub is growing. The Hub approach gathers best practices, challenges and experiences from local governments and their partners working on resilience issues in order to learn from each other and help to make actions more effective.
Advocacy and Partnerships
Raising awareness is the first step to increasing engagement in resilience actions. A strong component of our work is telling stories of real cities taking concrete action to protect their infrastructure, functionality and inhabitants. We target local governments, the media, donors, civil society and all local actors and groups through campaigns, networks and promotion.
Global commitment to urban resilience has grown substantially over the past decade. As a result, a growing number of communities of practice working on the topic have been created. UN-Habitat contributes, leads or hosts a number of the networks to further knowledge, practice and awareness of urban resilience.