



Resilience tracker
Rastreador de resiliencia
Cartographie de la résilience

In every crisis there is an opportunity to increase resilience. We want to map the ways in which this crisis will increase resilience for you and your community... and help make the world better for all.

En cada crisis hay una oportunidad de ser más resilientes. Queremos rastrear las maneras en que esta crisis te hará más resiliente a ti y a tu comunidad... y ayudar a hacer el mundo mejor para todos.

Lors de chaque crise, il y a une opportunité d’augmenter la résilience. Nous avons lancé un recensement pour montrer les manières dans lesquelles cette crise pourra augmenter la résilience pour vous et votre communauté… et rendre notre monde meilleur pour tous.

Explore the map to learn more, and share your story below.
Explora el mapa para saber más y comparte tu historia.
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Resilience tracker
Rastreador de resiliencia
Cartographie de la résilience

In every crisis there is an opportunity to increase resilience. We want to map the ways in which this crisis will increase resilience for you and your community... and help make the world better for all.

En cada crisis hay una oportunidad de ser más resilientes. Queremos rastrear las maneras en que esta crisis te hará más resiliente a ti y a tu comunidad... y ayudar a hacer el mundo mejor para todos.

Lors de chaque crise, il y a une opportunité d’augmenter la résilience. Nous avons lancé un recensement pour montrer les manières dans lesquelles cette crise pourra augmenter la résilience pour vous et votre communauté… et rendre notre monde meilleur pour tous.

Explore the map to learn more, and share your story below.
Explora el mapa para saber más y comparte tu historia.
Découvrez la carte, participez à la conversation!
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Operations and Cities Communication Officer

Terrassa’s local government is working on 4 lines of action. First of all, is acting and implementing actions to support the healthcare system, enabling hotels as hospitals but also as spaces for health personnel; secondly, is acting to minimize the economic impact by postponing some taxes, reducing the water rate during the second quarter and temporarily abolishing the payment for street parking; It is also acting on a social level, offering a great cultural and social offer available to residents, and last but not least, has finally launched a campaign against gender-based violence specific to this period.

I have been very positively surprised by some aspects that show the resilience of the city and its residents, such as the capacity for cooperation and rapid response to the same threat (COVID-19) where companies associate to develop products, volunteers who offer their experience of altruistic way

As a family initiative we have created some challenges, the smallest nieces began, creating short videos with challenges, imitations, etc ... and the rest of the families respond by creating a new video along the same lines.

Craig Laird
Communications Specialist

In Barcelona, the local government is working with an exhibition space provider to house homeless people. It seems that they have been able to find a solution to a long-term solution in rapid time. I hope the city will be able to maintain the level of efficiency after the crisis and realise that we are only as resilient as our most vulnerable citizens.

Rosa Surinach
Partnerships, Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator

Tell us about something positive or innovative that you / your family /community is doing to be resilient in light of the current COVID-19 crisis?

This crisis is not only for adults; children is one of the most affected group of population. Their schools are closed without knowing when in the future will be open. During confinement, children is the only segment not allowed to go out on the streets, as they can’t get out for shopping or other primary needs. In cities, like in Barcelona, most of them live in apartments with very poor outer spaces (with small balconies the luckiest ones) and small rooms that makes impossible a proper psychomotor activity (very needed in childhood!).

Children—together with health workers, of course—are the champions of this crisis. They’re the best example of what resilience means

At home, with my 3 years old daughter, we arrange weekly teleconferences with her classmates (so funny!) and we share daily videos on what they do (handicrafts, cooking, songs, etc). It’s their way of being connected ☺ as we, as adults, do with friends, family and colleagues.

What is your city doing to react, and how is this effecting you as a citizen?

One of the most disturbing points of confinement is the increase of gender-based violence. Victim and aggressor spend 24h in a same space, which makes it easier to increase the level of violence and risk of relapse. In order to provide support to victims in this rare current situation, local, regional and national government launched awareness campaigns to involve the entire community in reporting abuses and violence. We, as neighbours, pharmacies and grocery stores are called to keep an eye of what is happening around us for not leaving any victim alone in the nightmare. New phone lines have been put in place for those who need support, and services related to gender-violence have been strengthened. #youarenotalone

What long-term positive change will this crisis bring for you / your family / community / company / city?

I am convinced that a new chapter is coming, with so many changes in the way we were used to live. But, above all, I hope this crisis will serve to strongly invest in public health services and, globally, to reach the universal public health for all. Please, let’s create a new world with more Health and Love for all.

Normative and Operations Coordinator

In Barcelona, the Local Government is preserving and guaranteeing the operation’s continuity for essential activities while thinking and designing already the Recovery Plan. Meanwhile, a campaign called Barcelona from home has been launched: Covid-19 care, mutual support and culture from home. It is an umbrella for all the initiatives and proposals in different districts and neighborhoods all over, to be gathered and shared.

We have countless worthy citizens’ initiatives, one of them is the @Covidartmuseum. Three publicists from the city have decided to create a virtual gallery on Instagram to show works of art in quarantine.

At home, it has been fun to see how the kids are now the grandparent’s teachers in technology so as to get all of us together in the screen, sharing the day’s activities and giving virtual hugs till this crisis ends and we can meet in person and touch each other. Hugs, at the end of the day is what we, that are in good health, miss the most.

Head of the City Resilience Profiling Programme

Tell us about something positive or innovative that you / your family /community is doing to be resilient in light of the current COVID-19 crisis?

Enjoying the small details in life. Each meal, each conversation, each single time to have a chat with the family or friends. Maximizing food and reducing waste. Listening at music, reading, enjoying work. Getting loads of great jokes from friends all over the world and taking the time to return messages and connect with people from the past that are very much in the present nowadays.

What is your city doing to react, and how is this effecting you as a citizen?

We are in complete locked down 24/7. It's fantastic! No cars around. No flights. Just a blue sky and sunny days. Lucky to have a place to cook outside and enjoy the sound of no machines around.

What long-term positive change will this crisis bring for you / your family / community / company / city?

I think everybody will be more conscious and appreciative of the small things in life that we all can/could enjoy and, many times, we don't and give little value. To be able to sit with a friend, family, colleague or any person and just have a chat without any worries. No need for lots of money to just have a good laugh among family, friends or colleagues. We'll all make the time in future I think/I hope.

Urban Resilience Specialist

Tell us about something positive or innovative that you / your family /community is doing to be resilient in light of the current COVID-19 crisis?

As someone living abroad, I have always struggled at times with being so far from family and close friends. One positive development during the current crisis has been having the opportunity, or perhaps excuse, to (virtually) see and speak to so many people who are important to me. I am also quite thankful for the time I have been able to spend with my 8-month old daughter. While getting work done has been challenging, looking back, I think I will be thankful for being so present.

What is your city doing to react, and how is this effecting you as a citizen?

Barcelona has be under strict stay-at-home orders since mid-March, with only essential business open, resulting in very few people out on the streets. While the healthcare system here has been inundated with cases, the rest of the city maintains an eerie calm. Very few cars and motorcycles has meant the usual noisy city blocks are quiet aside from the occasional delivery truck or taxi.

What long-term positive change will this crisis bring for you / your family / community / company / city?

A constant topic of conversation in our house is where and how we want to live we once again have some choice in the matter. Being so removed from the natural world has been especially challenging for me and my partner during this period. Whether or not we decide to move to a desolate forest somewhere, this time has certainly given us much to think about regarding what it is we truly value in our lives.


One thing my family and I have done in reaction to this crisis is really trying to be present and appreciative of the beauty that exists around us. For me, I’ve been really appreciative of the little bits of nature appearing in our dense urban environment. With little traffic and significantly less noise pollution, it’s been a pleasure to watch the birds, butterflies and insects reclaim and repopulate the empty streets, terraces, and rooftops.

CRPP Focal Point in Port Vila, Vanuatu

In addition to the Coronavirus crisis, Port Vila is set to face a hurricane. Given that all international support is focussing on COVID, this additional crisis will be a test of our own ability to deal with the crisis. I hope that we pass this test and feel empowered by the ability of pacific islanders to deal with pacific island crises.


Teresina started an early response to the Covid-19. As a citizen, I felt relieved as acting earlier is crucial to improve the safety of my family. After the emergence of the first case, measures of social distance were gradually being implemented. At the moment, the city is under quarantine, in order to reduce the spread of the virus and increase the time needed for the preparation of the city. The health network is being reorganized, field hospitals are being set up, and additional equipment has been purchased. For families without income, the national government approved the payment of an emergency minimum income. In addition, the municipality distributed food baskets to 100,000 families. One of the city's main challenge is to deliver better access to regular water supply in informal settlements.

I am optimistic that this crisis will value and enhance people's communication and improve human relationships, as well between us and nature. I also believe that cooperation efforts for recovery will be strengthened, both at the local (family and community) and global levels.


Tell us about something positive or innovative that you / your family /community is doing to be resilient in light of the current COVID-19 crisis?

One positive thing that is happening with the crisis is that everyone has more time to connect with their dear ones, spending more time speaking with family and friends through videocalls. Even when I was living abroad, before the crisis, I didn't feel as open to do it as I am now.

What is your city doing to react, and how is this effecting you as a citizen?

In Brazil, we have a big issue that the national government isn’t taking the COVID-19 crisis as seriously as it should. However, many local governments are taking the responsibility to implement social distancing policies themselves. In my city, Porto Alegre, the mayor has promoted many restrictions, limiting services, closing non-essential businesses and strongly publicizing the importance of social distancing and preventive measures. Since we still don’t have many cases, while many people are following the recommendations, many others don’t understand the gravity of the problem and are starting to doubt the need of this level of restrictions. People are also not forbidden to go outside, what is now creating an undesired movement and grouping of people in green spaces. Aside from the distancing from friends, family and any sort of social gatherings, I've still been able to work remotely and find any goods I've needed either through delivery services or shops that were still allowed to open.

What long-term positive change will this crisis bring for you / your family / community / company / city?

I believe this crisis brings the opportunity to rethink the way we distribute the urban land and what are our priorities in this topic. With the pandemia, many issues that were already critical, as the general living conditions in informal settlements, now are in evidence with the impact of COVID in these territories, where the spread of the virus is potentialized by the high density and the lack of access to basic infrastructure, like water.

However, I am glad to see how many community supporting networks have been quickly assembled to help people who are and will be most vulnerable to many facets of this crises. This makes me believe that we can think of long-term initiatives to support these communities.

Diseñadora y Programadora Web

Hay un fuerte compromiso en la ciudad por colaborar en el cuidado de todos y todas. Creo que esta situación nos ha hecho personas más empáticas y consideradas con la comunidad. En ese sentido, en la ciudad se creó una Red de Cuarentena Solidaria, que es una campaña que busca conectar a quienes están en casa con los locales que siguen abiertos, para hacerles llegar de forma segura donaciones que puedan repartir a las personas que están en situación de calle.

Por otra parte, en mi caso mi rutina no ha cambiado demasiado, pues hace varios años que trabajo remotamente, pero sí me di cuenta de lo necesaria que es la interacción social cuando pasas tanto tiempo en casa, quizás antes no lo valoraba tanto y me costaba mucho salir de casa, pero ahora al no poder extraño mis clases de cocina, el gimnasio y cotidianidades como andar en bicicleta o visitar a mis amigos y que me visiten.

Valoro el hecho de que ahora soy más consciente y cuidadosa con mis compras; trato de utilizar lo que sea que tenga disponible antes de salir a la verdulería, las tienditas del barrio o supermercados… y creo que es un hábito que permanecerá conmigo cuando todo esto pase.

Me siento optimista porque seguramente esto de estar más atenta a los recursos que tengo y pensar distintas maneras de aprovecharlos al máximo, le pasa a mucha gente.

Graphic Designer

Quarantine in Buenos Aires began four weeks ago. The local government has taken quick measures since the first cases of the virus were diagnosed to prevent the collapse of the health system before reaching the infection peak.

Fortunately, the days in confinement were not difficult for me, as I am used to working from home. Sometimes I can be very anxious about not knowing what the future will be after the crisis. This situation is new for everyone, and we can feel scared, but at the same time, it has been an opportunity to create neighborhood support networks.

Lockdown affects economically many of us, so policies and projects have been created to support most vulnerable sectors of society, postponing taxes and rent payment, also offering small business loans. New collective proposals have also been created to raise funds and support the most affected minorities such as homeless people, informal workers, immigrants, sex workers and more.

The crisis has made us recognize our fragility as a society. I hope together we can face and reflect on the changes we can make. We are all resilient, and we will find ways to move forward, but it would be interesting if what we know as normality begins to change from now on.

CRPP Focal Point in Dakar, Senegal

En ce moment, ma famille est confinée à Paris. Ici, à Dakar, on est en confinement partiel (de 20h à 6h). Durant cette période, je lis beaucoup et je joue aux échecs en ligne. Comme j'ai une grande terasse, j'en profite pour faire du sport ou profiter de la réduction de la pollution pour admirer le ciel étoilé.

La Ville de Dakar déploie beaucoup de moyens pour aider les personnes les plus vulnérables (distribution de vivres principalement) qui n'ont plus accès à certaines ressources pendant cette période. Il y a aussi beaucoup de campagnes de sensibilisation au lavage des mains et à l'appropriation des gestes barrières.

Certainement une plus grande conscience de la fragilité de ce qu'on considère comme étant des "acquis". Je pense aussi qu'il y aura des effets positifs sur les changements de comportement des Dakarois, notamment à l'égard de la propreté et de l'amélioration de leur cadre de vie.




I wonder which crisis I am meant to use to get something good out of. COVID-19 kinda sucks in any matter besides amplifying defects and discrepancies of existing systems thus opening path for better ones. What I am truly looking forward is the end of gerontocracy around the world and demise of ultra-rich
In my village in France, local shops have been closing for decades as bigger supermarkets move in. Since this crisis started, the remaining local businesses have been delivery groceries to elder people who cannot leave the house. Village residents have recognised this and are starting to shop in the local stores again.
Adriana Walsh
Appreciation. Hopefully people will be more grateful for what they have. Families will be happy for all the memories created during this time. Communities will be grateful for the members that are on it. Companies will realize that their most important asset is their employees. People will understand and be happy for being part of all the above.
Marinel Gourmeitte
Cambio de cultural empresarial, innovación, valorar las empresas pequeñas . Empatía y solidaridad.
Forum Shah
I believe I will be buying essentials in terms of clothes, food, furniture as per requirement and not just because I am bored or I need some change. I believe the definition of luxury will get redefined. The realization of being privileged will help you choose things in a different way. I will be more careful in consumption of goods and services both. "Less is just enough" could be a way of life and utility of local products and resources will be more
I live in the countryside and am currently at home alone looking after two small children. Before this crisis, I had almost no contact with the few neighbours I have but they have created a group chat for me and check-in every day to ask if I am ok or need something from the shops. Living in remote locations means community is even more important and this situation has brought us together.
I am more appreciative of simplicity and also realise how connected I still am to my friends, despite the lock-down. So I’m more emotionally resilient. For the community, we will be more resilient as we have learned to consider each other so much more, from not panic buying to physically being aware of each other as we move around.
Evan Farbstein
I'm hoping the we'll see work-from-home becoming the default, rather than the exception (at least for employees whose duties are WFH-able). WFH improves quality of life factors for employees – like time with family, eliminating commuting – and lowers the amount of office space the employer needs to rent.
Pernilla Hallberg
It´s somewhat exciting to actually feel the change coming and to be a part of it, as it evolves. I think that my -and others- working-life will never be quite the same. We are learning new technics to communicate and work from home - and companies work hard to create the right infrastructure for their employees, in this new era. An era that has been a lot of talk about since the late 90-s, but were nothing really happened. And now it actually is happening. In a few weeks!
Ahora tenemos la oportunidad de elegir el camino de la esperanza o el caos. Confío mas en la inteligencia del ser humano, que en la IA.
This was a wake-up call for carrying the theme of "resilience" much more to our lives from different perspectives. Resilience is not only important in urban planning level, but also very critical to be practiced for ourselves, our families and the companies that we are working for. i.e. How much resilient is our business? How can we improve our skills to anticipate better, absorb any shock, adapt to the changes after the cards are re-distributed and keep on moving by transforming our businesses.
We have to realize that people are vulnerable and we have to collaborate and work together against external factor that put Humanity in danger.
Crisis and disasters will be taken more seriously and better prepared response
I think more attention will be paid to the environmental problems that cities suffer and their impact on people
Unidos como familia y conociendo que el espacio interior es importante.
Para mí ser mas empatico con las personas que estan alrededor. Para mí familia ser mas conscientes que no estamos solos y neceistamos la ayuda de otros. Para la ciudad espero que sea un cambio para pensar en de lo individual a lo colectivo.
Giancarlo P. Manfredi
The opportunity (unfortunately not so certain) to start again with a sustainable lifestyle in a global vision of the complex risks we will face. At local level the (difficult) understanding of community interdependence mechanisms and bottom-up responses to upcoming emergencies. On a personal level one word: smartworking, which would mean more free time to ride my bike...
For the sake of the economic recovery, policymakers and producers will temporarly pause any action towards sustainable or climate transition. This will take place in a never-ending "emergency" situation in which contingency will have the priority on sustainability. Long-term visions will be replaced once again by short term goals of GDP and demagogy will have even more a central role in this.
Self: Its caused me to self reflect, slow down and see the true value in things. I've realised how supportive and wonderful my close network is and to nourish that. City/comminity: I think this will bring greater awareness to the threat we face from the effects we are causing to our climate. It will give us a new base to be able to build upon, hopefully for the better.
Me- I have the chance to do more things that I wouldn’t normally get to do whilst working. As a busy primary school teacher, I am always so snowed under with work. I have had the time to practice piano again, do daily yoga and take up regular running. I have also thoroughly enjoyed having more time to cook in the kitchen. This has changed my mindset and well-being overall as before this, I was very stressed and down quite a lot.
I believe it will teach us how to come together and collaborate at the large scale. We’re forced to in these times, but if anything, this is showing us the power of collective we can harness to direct this strength towards tackling climate change, for example!
I am afraid that inequality will rise, leading to more violence and conflict. The positive thing is that learned to appreciate my family and our good life even more than before and that I feel there is a lot of solidarity in the world around me.
Tongfei Jin
Keep social distance. Blossom of online shopping. Creating much more flexible networks with other communities.
I guess union and empathy will be the long-term positive changes that this crisis will bring for my family and community. My family got closer and now we take some time to meditate and pray together . The empathy towards the others grew as well. In the end of the day , I’m positive with all these changes and I’m hopping a better world whenever this pandemia ends . I hope we value every hug and every kiss that we share and that we be thankful for our health.
Katja Schäfer
having learnt to work in teams online and from remote locations will allow us to prioritize the way we co-work while reducing our ecological footprint.
Saldremos muy fortalecidos!! no es fácil, pero nos hemos ocupado desde casa trabajando a distancia, estudiando, conviviendo en nuestra pequeña ciudad(nuestro hogar), siendo muy empáticos y tolerantes. Nos hemos reconocido mejor como familia!! . Como ciudad observó solidaridad entre la comunidad, aun y sin vernos se siente ese interés por ayudarnos entre todos, al revisar las redes, leer los mensajes de los grupos locales, me doy cuenta que hay necesidades pero hay esperanza aun!!
I think that after the pandemic, society will have more resilience and improve the habits of coexistence, which will help us to move forward with innovative proposals that are adapted to the different realities that are found in my country. This quarantine situation has also made us think a lot about the city as such, the environmental conditions, the space we inhabit and the conditioning we find in it.
Traerá grandes cambios en como nos estamos relacionando con el otro, la movilidad, la economía, Espero que tengamos mas conciencia frente al consumo, que nuestra economía se empodere en productos locales y le demos mas valor a nuestra cultura.
It's hard not not feel anxious amidst this crisis, especially being an immigrant in the US, and considering how the Federal government and many people are prioritizing "the economy" over human lives and the fight against the spread of the virus. Still, I feel hopeful that we, the empathetic and humane, are the majority, and that through solidarity, patience and science, we will overcome this crisis.
Por un lado, esta crisis nos deja una lección muy importante para trabajar de cara al futuro inmediato: contar con un fuerte sistema de salud pública, capaz de responder a las emergencias sanitarias, donde todxs podamos acceder a él sin importar nuestra posición económica. Por el otro, queda demostrado que el rol del Estado es fundamental para gestionar este y cualquier otro tipo de crisis, entonces todxs lxs ciudadanxs debemos ser más responsables a la hora de elegir a nuestros mandatarios para garantizarnos que haya una respuesta sensata durante una crisis (y fuera de ella también).
Terry Huang
We will be more productive no matter where we are.
It will bring more value to life and it brings us closer to everyone. Concerning family life as much as other areas of life. We are just experiencing a kind of reset from where we can start again with more appreciation for our personal life and the world we are living in. Health will not just be looking healthy but actually being healthy, strong and able to cope with whatever threatens our physical balance.
Vidhi Thakral
The family will stand together and strong. Have been practising meditation 🧘‍♀️ with family and the crisis have brought us all together.Stay fit stay at home
Economic system would be slow
Lisa Cavicchia
I am hoping that we can take the opportunity to fix the cracks in our systems so that we build a just economy that equalizes opportunities and outcomes for all
We, the young people are hopeful to see a more humane city, where people and the natural ecosystem co-exist in harmony and are protected by all systems in place - whether private or public. We hope that homelessness will not be just temporarily resolved, but rather be the beginning of a systemic, deeper long term solution. We hope that the systems in place would adjust to enable all people to breathe and not be dependant on non-vacation-work in order to survive.
Olivia H
As a type 1 diabetic in a long distance relationship (partner is a senior registrar on the front line in ICU), I’m taking everyday as it comes - trying to see the good in everyday with lots of planning, getting involved as much as possible, but also allowing myself a few days here and there, to wallow- because it’s hard and new.
Yes, we can
This is not the first time we have faced such a catastrophic event, and every time we came out stronger. I hope we learn from our mistakes and work to make this world a better place.
Patience, ability to be alone at home without getting bored
Acredito que esta crise vai dar uma atenção renovada sobre as relações de trabalho e consumo derivadas dela. O pensar coletivo fez muita gente atuar/colaborar de forma remota e descobrir que isso funciona na real. E a gente pensa agora, que empresas exigem de fato a presença física do funcionário? A adoção de novos estilos de vida ou hábitos mais saudáveis e sustentáveis convergem com a mobilização do consumidor para fazer suas compras necessárias junto a produtores e comércios locais. É a oportunidade reconsiderar as prioridades de nossas vidas de uma perspectiva mais consciente.
Rodrigo Guardia
I believe (and i hope) that we should be more aware of the damage we do to the planet. I personally think about being more responsible with caring for the environment
Eu acredito que essa crise tornará as pessoas mais conscientes dos impactos das suas ações, analisando melhor suas decisões, e capazes de pensar no bem comum.
Lina L.
I understand more and more the value of just standing still and being happy with it. Also spending so much time at home makes me re-evaluate what I really need from a home, ie. never again a house without a balcony! As a society, I hope we keep showing our appreciation for all these people that make sure our cities continue to function while we stay at home. As city dwellers we have the opportunity to re-think how we want to live together again! Let’s get creative and make our cities a better place for all!
D Aitken
I hope it will bring continued perspective for the thing that matters most - people, and their ongoing wellness.
Juan Miguel Jurado
El replantear el estilo de vida, valorar el disfrute de los espacios verdes ( su importancia e influencia en la salud de las personas, consumo responsable, conocer el por qué de las enfermedades zoonóticas y cómo la naturaleza actúa como barrera ante ellas, concienciar sobre la importancia de la ciencia, procesos comunitarios, viviendas dignas, esta situación además, ayuda a visibilizar la desigualdad dentro de las ciudades y territorios, es una buena oportunidad para empezar un cambio desde lo comunal hasta lo global.
Some cities will learn from it and some will regress.
I am studying french again!! If I want to work as humanitarian, I need the french language to find a job or an opportunity, so, being at home has brought this change for me, I have a little time to open my french books and I am using skype to talk with a french teacher.
Frances Lin
Knowing the power that comes with collaborative creativity. Everyone contributing in their own way, does make a difference. We can figure it out together.
Companies/organisations responsible for people’s livelihood will hopefully see the fragility society and build more sustainable corporations. 2 months people. 2 months. That’s all it took? A giant leap forward for the acceptance of working from anywhere. Live-streaming acceptance/understanding accelerated. Dads started calling me. Wonderful! Sis still isn’t:(
Lina Martinez
Nos va a cambiar nuestro consumos, pensar las formas en que nos acercamos y mantenemos nuestras relaciones. Vamos a crear otras redes, comprar local, dar y ser generosos con nuestros vecinos. Vamos a salir mejor de esta crisis, fortalecidos, comunitarios, locales.
Better perspective on who matters in our lives, what we really need and, hopefully, reduced consumption! Maybe we can tackle climate change and biodiversity loss after all. But we have to reconsider the public sector—private enterprise cannot solve everything; especially when the common good clashes with the interests of profit. NYC is helping me realize that we need to cooperate now more than ever.
Jose Manuel Mendoza Nasser
The opportunity available out of this crisis for my company, VIRIDI International and myself, is to redefine and redesign our project in Nepal so that it reflects what we are commuted to transform and impact, as partners for the development of communities and the country.
Filiep Decorte
More resilient urban rural linkages
I see increased perspective, prioritizing, acknowledgement of privilege, and a greater respect for all humans and not simply those who provide a certain service or have a certain something to offer. I experience a greater appreciation for what my senses offer me- I’m taking less things for granted, such as hearing birds chirping and smelling flowers. My connection to loved ones is deeper and feels more meaningful. My hope is that through this worldwide common experience those who are oppressed are less so, and those who have privilege, will acknowledge and act with grace, generosity, and humility.
Thalia Ohana Monteiro Lima
preocupação com a higiene constante. proliferação de doença se tornará mais difícil.
Uptake in virtual learning and capacity building, lessening the digital divide while increasing innovation.
Santiago Santibañez
La forma de pensar de la comunidad esta cambiando de una individualista a una más colectiva, pensando en que mis acciones pueden afectar no solo a mi, sino a los demás.
This quarantine is crating a resurgence of solidarity among self-organised citizens within our communities. I live in La Paz Bolivia, and we have been in quarantine since March 22. Only people over 18 and under 65 can leave their homes once a week (in a walking distance) to buy food or medicine, depending on the number their identity document ends. For example, those that end in 1-2 leave on Monday; 3-4 on Tuesday, etc. Like most countries , only supermarkets and drugstores are open. The problem here, is that there aren’t many supermarkets in the city and buying food became very difficult. To solve this problem, residents of many neighborhoods, created WhatsApp groups, where neighbors help neighbors by coordinating orders and product delivery directly from distributors.
Christiane Oliveira
It will bring up the necessity to discuss in a profound way means to make our society less inequal.
Tiago Marques
Eu acredito que essa crise ajudará a repensar nossas atitudes acerca do surgimento de pandemias e desastres que em sua maioria são causados pelo homem. Além disso, poderá mudar nosso pensamento sobre o habitar e o consumir e partir para práticas sustentáveis e resilientes. EN: I believe in a social changing through our attitudes about the emergence of pandemics, and man-made and natural disasters. In addition, may change at our thoughts about the human life and experience, and set off on sustainable and resilient practices.
Arianne Alzola
Esta crisis me ha dado la oportunidad de expandir mi estudio de interiorismo enfocado a Retail. Y aunque parezca contradictorio ya que todo el sector Retail está parado, he conseguido captar nuevos clientes ofreciéndoles un asesoramiento muy económico para relanzar sus negocios cuando la fase de confinamiento acabe.
For me, having acquired more flexibility to navigate uncertainties, and setting time to learn and grow without rush. For my community, awareness about the importance of quality public space, the importance of cross-generational human exchange. For my city, cleaner air, more silence to hear nature and revised consummer patters.
Alexis Percival
More cycling, more walking, fewer car journeys, more connectedness online Community building. There seems to be an awokeness about the environment and how fragile we are
To me, this crisis gives a unique chance to change our economic, urban and social models, evidence in real time the effects of our footprint, people becoming more aware of the fact that all is interdependant, and the fragility of the eco-system balance. Seeing how fast nature and other animals regain their territories when given an opportunity, in my opinion should remind us it is not just all about the humans, and our resilience goes hand-in-hand with the well-being of the planet and its other cohabitants.
I believe that this crisis has brought to light the great inequalities of the world we live in, in an unprecedented way. While this is a temporary situation, the struggle through this period and the potential of resilience afterwards is certainly not the same for all of us. Indeed, the strict lockdown measures in South Africa although apparently necessary, are causing much pain to a lot of people. However, it seems to me that there is now a greater awareness on the importance of socio-economic justice. Thus, I see this crisis as a great lesson and as a great opportunity given to the world. I hope that it will serve as a stimulus not only for the emergence of new socio-economic and political redistributive initiatives, but for the establishment in the long-term of a new mentality of life.
Paola Cárdenas
This pandemic has made us rediscover our neighborhood. Families, businesses, suppliers of products and services nearby, who have found in the confinement an opportunity and strength to attend their needs and openness to new local markets.
To share experiences will help to go through this "no way" situation faster. Hope we will ready for autumn-winter virus ressurection
A lot
Ana Luiza Ribeiro Carvalho
Personally, the change will be internal and will bring me closer to things related about collective, comunnity and sustainability. And for my family I believe that union and respect are the greatest lessons we are having with this crisis
affordable and free online education services
Para mí: la crisis me está dando mucha más motivación e impulso para apostar por proyectos personas que no había abordado por miedo o falta de seguridad en sí misma. Para la compañía con la que trabajo: migrarán a la modalidad del teletrabajo para siempre, trabajaremos vía remota por lo que tendremos un poco más de tiempo para compartir con los seres queridos y dedicar a proyectos personales. Para mí familia: tal vez ahora valoraremos mucho más él hecho de poder estar juntos cosa que se dificulta al vivir en urbes donde la rutina laboral es tan absorbente y no queda mucho tiempo para el despeje. Para mí ciudad: me alegra saber que estos meses de estar detenidas, pueda impactar en el medio ambiente, que hayamos contribuido con un granito de arena.
Para mí: la crisis me está dando mucha más motivación e impulso para apostar por proyectos personas que no había abordado por miedo o falta de seguridad en sí misma. Para la compañía con la que trabajo: migrarán a la modalidad del teletrabajo para siempre, trabajaremos vía remota por lo que tendremos un poco más de tiempo para compartir con los seres queridos y dedicar a proyectos personales. Para mí familia: tal vez ahora valoraremos mucho más él hecho de poder estar juntos cosa que se dificulta al vivir en urbes donde la rutina laboral es tan absorbente y no queda mucho tiempo para el despeje. Para mí ciudad: me alegra saber que estos meses de estar detenidas, pueda impactar en el medio ambiente, que hayamos contribuido con un granito de arena a bajarle al smoke.
It will help to highlight the importance of strengthening physical and social infrastructure, particularly health infrastructure and also speed up projects for planned development. It may also force urban planners to rethink their approach to slums and squatters in the city. Citizens would lay greater emphasis on hygiene practices. Planners may stop treating urban spaces as commercial assets and develop more green areas.
Jordi Sala
Hace mucho que estamos en parálisis por el análisis es la hora de la acción, ejecución de estrategias, proyectos, pilotos, etc.
I believe the empowerment of the local resources is one of the biggest change in the city dynamics, because this develop a new behavior, in the planning, the social, the politic and economic field, pushing the professionals to innovate and create new responses according to the current needs of the citizens.
Evelyn Teh
Malaysia's policy and investment on public health has proven to be a shield to our society amidst this unprecedented pandemic. While socioeconomic losses are significant, the community are helping each other out by offering financial and food aid to those in need. I believe these testing times are making people more conscious about living as a society and it has also made people think deeply about the uncertainty of the future and how we could abandon that which doesn't serve us (e.g. systems that perpetuates inequality, poverty and environmentally unsustainable development) and take this opportunity to really shift the paradigm and build back better, together.
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How do you feel?

¿Cómo te sientes?

Comment vous sentez-vous ?


What long-term positive change will this crisis bring for you, your family, community, company or city?

¿Qué cambio positivo a largo plazo traerá esta crisis para ti, tu familia, comunidad, compañía o ciudad?

Quel changement, provoqué par cette crise, pourrait avoir un effet positif sur le long-terme pour vous, votre famille, votre communauté, votre entreprise ou votre ville ?
