Risk Nexus Initiative

The Risk Nexus Initiative is a partnership formed by leading institutions, engaged in risk, sustainability and resilience, with a long track record in the delivery of innovative and effective approaches to risk and risk management.

All new development investment, whether in infrastructure, social expenditure, urban development or agriculture, has the potential to either generate or reduce risk. Today’s risks were shaped by how those investments were made in the past. The central focus of the Risk Nexus Initiative will be to ensure that all new development is fully risk informed, including, public and private investment in infrastructure and development, climate change adaptation, early warning, disaster risk reduction, actions to address displacement and migration, risk financing and transfer, cities and urban development.

The initiative will make actionable and operational the risk component of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, contribute to the achievement of the vision on prevention of the Secretary General of the United Nations and facilitate the strengthening of global sustainability and resilience. UN-Habitat is a member of the Initiative’s Steering Committee. – http://risknexusinitiative.org